+34 699 54 60 56

Tantric Massage Experience

Tantra Center - Massages in Fuengirola, Málaga

A bit more about tantric massage in Fuengirola in Spain

Here at Tantra Fuengirola we use the ancient philosophy and practice of Tantra to give our clients a true tantric massage experience. The essence of our erotic massages is based on the ancient teachings of Tantra, a treatment with the power to soothe and heal both the body and mind. We offer a wide variety of tantric massages at our tantra center in Fuengirola. Our selection of ‘tantra massages’ includes massages with several levels of intensity, complicity, interactions ranging from 'soft' to 'high' levels of eroticism. Whichever erotic massage option you choose, we guarantee an unmatched tantric massage experience that you will never forget.
Tantra Fuengirola awaits you!

Massage Tantric Selection


The concept of tantric massage

A tantric massage is a sacred form of erotic massage involving a full body massage, breathwork, meditation, and spirituality. Though it may build up to the climaxing of the recipient, most times, sensual rather than sexual pleasure is the target. Being an erotic massage, the primary organs of focus are the erotic zones- the vulva, penis, clitoris, testicle, breasts, neck, and inner thigh. As a fun-seeking resident, we will help you discern the best erotic massage services in Fuengirola.
The Concept Of Tantric Massaging To fully unlock the endless benefits of tantric massage, both the recipient and the giver must understand its intrinsic principle- pleasure without sex. The partners should be determined to focus on the other aspects that induce satisfaction without making the session sexual, by this way, you can still enjoy erotic moments at the beach with your partner simply by searching for a choice tantric massage in Fuengirola. These sessions aim to create self-awareness and to effectuate an exchange of sexual energy through a series of breath works ie. The partner breathes in synchrony whereby the giver breathes in energy into the recipient during exhalation whilst the partner receives it on inhalation.

Testimonials about tantra massages

Benicio Solari

I wasn't quite sure what to expect from this type of massage but i will certainly be repeating. The treatment was excelent and the service from the masseuse very professional. The telefonist is also very, very charming!!

Daniel Pena

Amazing place to enjoy, the operator are extremely professional, they speak perfect English. Elena is incredible! A beautiful and clean place! Highly recommended.


Overall a fantastic experience, from the telephonist attention to detail, the centre facilities, the welcoming relaxing feel, and of course the array of beautiful young masseuses waiting to attend to you. If you are on holiday and looking for a luxury experience as i was, how luck was i to find this centre. Thoroughly enjoyable and I would recommend to anyone young and old.

Antonio Moreno

Todo estupendo, volveré a ir en cuanto pueda

diego escobar

He ido unas cuantas veces y me he ido muy contento sin queja alguna, las masajistas son muy guapas y el trato es muy bueno

Victor Colmenares

Excelente servicio y muy cómodo el lugar.

Juan Francisco Mata Fernandes

He visitado las instalaciones en la atención telefónica ha sido muy amable me han tenido que explicar dónde estaba y me ha sido muy fácil llegar por la zona donde está las chicas son muy agradables y muy atentas al cliente me han tratado muy bien muy buena limpieza en el local muy bien decorado y coordinación lo recomendaría y volvería a repetir


After years of expeiences and expansion of knowledge, today we can offer you a coctail between professional, tantric relaxing massage.
Our profresionals will make your stay in tantra fuengirola a pleasant moment to which you will always want to return, both for their pleasant treatment and profressionalism. You will find in our facilities a design space, cared for down to the smallest detail, where you will find the perfect place to relax and enjoy.

Tantric Masseuses



Noah tantra fuengirola massage

What is a tantric massage?


erotic tantric massage fuengirola

How does a tantric massage work?

The art of tantra is to direct positive energy throughout the body. The key to this massage is to be slow and mindful with each and every movement.

The person giving the massage must be totally focused, while you and your partner only have to worry about feeling free and relaxed. We assure you that it will be an experience that you have never felt before.

How should I prepare for my massage?

All you have to do is concentrate on resting your mind and relaxing your body. This massage is only enjoyed being calm, the rest, leave it in our hands!

Benefits of tantra massage

  • Helps maintain and improve physical and mental balance
  • Decrease stress and anxiety
  • Helps with pain relief
  • Tantric massage can help in spiritual awakening
  • It can be a good process to heal emotional blocks
  • Improves the physical and emotional relationship between couples

What are the differences between a tantric massage and an erotic massage?

  • Tantric massage and erotic massage are two different approaches that share certain similarities, but focus on different goals and philosophies. Here are some key differences:
    • Philosophy
      Tantric Massage: Based on tantric principles that seek a deep connection between body and mind. The aim is to awaken vital energy and enhance sensory awareness.
      Erotic Massage: It is more oriented towards sensual stimulation and physical pleasure. Its main focus is to provide erotic gratification and explore sensuality.
    • Emotional Connection:Tantric Massage: Seeks to create a deeper connection between the participants, fostering emotional and spiritual intimacy.
      Erotic Massage: Focuses on sexual arousal and physical enjoyment, without necessarily seeking an emotional connection beyond the sensual.If you are looking for erotic massage experiences in Fuengirola, you will find a variety of services that focus on providing sensual pleasure and exploring the erotic dimension. It is crucial to communicate clearly with the therapist to ensure you receive the type of massage that best suits your preferences and needs.

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